Daily Prayer rhythm

For the first 300 years, the early church gathered to pray at morning, midday, and evening. It was during the same time that, empowered by the Holy Spirit, this new community spread like wildfire throughout the Greco-Roman world. In the early 4th century the church lost a taste for prayer, the daily rhythm ceased, and equally the church lost its potency and counter cultural identity. 

What might happen if the church reclaimed the commitment to prayer we saw in those first three centuries? Might we experience the supernatural power that guided them? The resilient spiritual formation? The communal intimacy?

With this as a backdrop, we want to invite you to join us in this Daily Prayer Rhythm with hopes of recovering an ancient way of prayer. You will be guided through morning, midday, and evening prayer according to common themes, joining your praying voice to your brothers and sisters around the globe. 

Morning Prayer

We start each morning with The Lord's Prayer, the church's most known prayer because it came directly from the mouth of Jesus himself.  When we pray these specific words, we submit to the leadership of Jesus, allowing his prayers to guide our prayers. Throughout church history, The Lord’s Prayer has always served as both a model and a guide for Christ followers. 

Midday Prayer

We pause in the middle of our day to partner with Jesus, look beyond ourselves, and pray for the lost. This is an opportunity to ask the Spirit to bring to mind people who are far from God, ask Him to restore them to his fold, and bring them salvation. As we do, Jesus reveals the Father’s heart. He is on a mission. He pursues, finds, and restores those who are lost. Jesus invites us to share his heart with our friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, and strangers who don't know him. We pray for the lost by name, we pray for compassion, and we pray to be equipped and sent as missionaries. 

Evening Prayer. 

We finish the day with reflection and gratitude to God. As you review your day, from morning to evening, give thanks to God for anything and everything for which you are grateful, confess areas of sin or neglect, and ask for grace and the leading of the Spirit for the day to come. 

Partner with us by praying this rhythm each day wherever you are!